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18530 2023-01-09T13:36:08 68 [推荐]
设计机构: 浙江婍恩建筑设计有限公司



At the entrance of the theme park, the AP captain and AP robot lead everyone to start the interstellar roaming with one click.The huge game screen is like the window of the spaceship, giving a better immersive experience.

由AP队长和AP机器人带领大家一键开启星际漫游。巨大的游戏屏幕仿佛是宇宙飞船的窗口,给人更好的沉浸式体验。 At the entrance of the theme park, the AP captain and AP robot lead everyone to start the interstellar roaming with one click.The huge game screen is like the window of the spaceship, giving a better immersive experience.


The transparent acrylic pipes run through the entire external space, and there are many identical AP robots in it, like the conveyor belt of the space station, which distributes its own friends to the experiencers. The visual dynamic impact also subverts the previous impression of the front desk, and it is harmoniously integrated with the overall space shape while satisfying the reception function.

亚克力的透明管道贯穿着整个外部空间,像是空间站的传送带在为体验者派发着属于自己的小伙伴。视觉上的动态冲击同样也颠覆了以往的前台印象,在满足接待功能的同时与整体空间造型和谐地融为一体。 The transparent acrylic pipes run through the entire external space, and there are many identical AP robots in it, like the conveyor belt of the space station, which distributes its own friends to the experiencers. The visual dynamic impact also subverts the previous impression of the front desk, and it is harmoniously integrated with the overall space shape while satisfying the reception function.

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