多元化Diversification 一指单一向多样发展,由统一娱乐模式向分散娱乐变化;二指多样运动娱乐模式,不是单一运动的。 Diversification refers to one-way development, from a unified entertainment mode to decentralized entertainment; the second refers to a variety of sports entertainment modes, not a single sport. 赋能破解 Enabling crack 由单一区域性质,变化突破界限的超越,让来运动娱乐的人每次都有挑战自我的感受以满足。 Enabling crack is a single-regional nature, and changes break through the boundaries and transcendence, so that people who come to sports and entertainment have the feeling of challenging themselves to be satisfied every time. 爱与陪伴 Love and company APFUNLL不仅仅是一个娱乐空间,更是一个充满爱与陪伴,亲情友情爱情交融的地方。 Love and company means that APFUNLL is not only an entertainment space, but also a place full of love and company, where family, friendship and love are blended.