The office is not only an office space, but also an eight-hour daily life. At the beginning of the design, we always wanted to find a balance of diverse design elements, which not only focuses on the artistic presentation of the camera, but also pays more attention to the sense of spatial experience
空间内的装置艺术品都是设计师精心挑选,从而形成一种独特的空间效果,抽象化地陈设,彰显极致的精神平衡。身处其中,空间的张力和干净的线脚带来广大和精微的双重感受。设计界叫嚣最多的一句话:设计留存下来因为它是艺术,因为它超越实用。我们则认为,美感与功能可以并存,使空间功能多样,又赋予空间个性,才是真正的设计。在LDY DESIGN 的这个168㎡的限制空间里,多功能的空间设计简约而不简单,打造不一样的办公空间。